Track Constructors
BlockTrack(range, label = deparse(substitute(range)), tooltip = mcols(range), color = "blue", background = NULL, height = 30) VlineTrack(pos, label = deparse(substitute(pos)), tooltip = mcols(pos), color = "green", background = NULL, height = 40) PinTrack(pos, value = mcols(pos)$value, domain = numeric(), label = deparse(substitute(pos)), tooltip = mcols(pos), color = "red", background = NULL, height = 40) LineTrack(pos, value = mcols(pos)$value, domain = numeric(), label = deparse(substitute(pos)), color = "yellow", background = NULL, height = 70) AreaTrack(pos, value = mcols(pos)$value, domain = numeric(), label = deparse(substitute(pos)), color = "pink", background = NULL, height = 70) GeneTrackFromTxDb(txdb, seqlevel = seqlevels(txdb), label = deparse(substitute(txdb)), color = "black", background = NULL, height = 100) FeatureTrack(range, label = deparse(substitute(range)), tooltip = mcols(range), names = base::names(range), color = "black", background = NULL, height = 200) GroupFeatureTrack(grl, label = deparse(substitute(grl)), tooltip = mcols(grl), names = base::names(grl), color = "black", background = NULL, height = 200) TxTrackFromTxDb(txdb, seqlevel = seqlevels(txdb), label = deparse(substitute(txdb)), color = "red", background = NULL, height = 300) TxTrackFromGRanges(gr, label = deparse(substitute(gr)), color = "red", background = NULL, height = 300)
range, pos | GRanges or IRanges object. For pos, all the width should be one. |
label | Character, shown as label of the track on the left, could be NULL. |
tooltip | A data frame that is parallel to range or pos. |
color | Character vector or integer vector that sets the color of the features.
It can be color names, hexadecimal string or positive integer |
background | Length-one character vector that sets background of the track, could be NULL. |
height | Length-one numeric vector that sets height of the track. |
value, domain | `value` is a numeric vector that is parallel to pos, which indicates height of features at each position for PinTrack, LineTrack and AreaTrack. `domain` is a length-two numeric vector which sets the lower and upper limit of `value` (i.e. the limit on y-axis). |
txdb, seqlevel | The TxDb and seqlevel to extract gene or transcript from. |
names | Character vector with the same length of data, which is used to generate display labels shown together with features when zooming in. |
grl | For `GroupFeatureTrack` function, a GRangesList object that represents grouped ranges as data source. It is assumed that ranges in each group are on the same strand and do not overlap. |
gr | For `TxTrackFromGRanges` function, a GRanges object that represents exons and cds as data source, and will be rendered as transcripts. Two meta-columns ("type", "tx_id") are required, "type" can be "exon" or "cds" by which ranges of "cds" will be filled with color, "tx_id" indicates the grouping. |
Returns an object that extends "TnTTrack" class.
You can find various examples at,
also see composite-track
on how to create a composite track.
BlockTrack(range = GRanges("chr1", IRanges(199, 4000)), color = "green", background = "red", height = 100)#> A BlockTrack #> | Label: GRanges("chr1", IRanges(199, 4000)) #> | Background: red #> | Height: 100 #> | Data: RangeTrackData object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns: #> | seqnames ranges strand | tooltip color key #> | <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <data.frame> <character> <integer> #> | [1] chr1 [199, 4000] * | green 1 #> | ------- #> | seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths